
Blog, Concierge Guide

April 20, 2024


No one wants to imagine being sick or injured on vacation – but if the worst happens it pays to be prepared in advance. A few minor precautions can save you considerable hassle, time and money, and offer you peace of mind if you encounter health problems while traveling.

Medical practices abroad may be very different than those you’re used to at home, and language barriers can make matters worse. Adding the fact that a new doctor will not be familiar with your medical history, it is crucial to prepare as much as possible and learn how to get care when you are overseas.

Book a personal travel concierge in London

The category of Health services is mainly connected with risks and hazards of travel which generally happen with travelers abroad. That`s why MeetnGreetMe believes that no one would be able to give Guests a hand in such sensitive situations and deal with medical needs both minor and critical better than locals.

Request health insurance

Travel insurance, in general, has different levels of cover, such as for medical, baggage, public liability, or a car hire. When you travel around the world, it is more critical than ever to make sure you have the right international travel health insurance plan in place in case the unexpected happens.

It is an essential coverage for travelers who are away from home, whether for business or pleasure purposes. Even if you have health insurance at home the chances are this will not cover you when traveling outside of your home country, or if it does, the level of coverage will be minimal.

Sometimes, there is an acute need to get a traveler’s insurance, but when you are in a foreign country it is quite difficult. At first, you need to find a local travel insurance office, explain the problem, pay and see some more minor issues. Having to spend so much time solving the problem, how much time will you actually spend abroad on yourself?

Key points:
– providing information not only about insurance, but, for example, the need to register with the Guest’s embassy or any other procedures of registering a foreigner in your country, or other specific local requirements for international travelers;
– giving recommendations about the type of insurance to receive (a multi-trip policy or a 10-day trip, etc);
– assisting in getting the insurance.

It should be determined if a MeetnGreeter will be required to draw up a detailed list of options with different features (several insurance companies with addresses, prices and related expenses) or accompany the Guest to the nearest insurance company in the airport.

Arrange visits to doctors

Seeking medical attention can sometimes become a necessity even when you are on holiday. We encourage you to be proactive – if you feel sick, go to the doctor now rather than later. It is much better to waste a few hours at a doctor’s office than to rush to the emergency room in a foreign country.

In this case, MeetnGreetMe personal concierge is to arrange a visit to a doctor upon the Guest’s request, advice on the best places to receive medical and dental care, or provide other travel information related to the local healthcare.

This service will allow Guests to communicate with the local doctor in the most suitable way. A local personal assistant should provide names, addresses, telephone numbers and other additional information such as working hours of doctors, hospitals, clinics, dentists, and dental clinics in the required region.

Key points:
– helping to get in touch with the insurance company if it’s the case;
– making a recommendation on the best place to choose and the most efficient way to solve the problem;
– providing any additional information on your profile about your medical qualifications, if you can provide medical services.

Determine what service will be provided, whether it will be information or some actual actions would be expected from the MeetnGreeter.

Accompany to doctors

Where is the doctor’s office? Do I need an appointment? Do they speak English? And how much do I have to pay? – These and many other questions may arise when you visit a doctor in an unfamiliar location. In this situations, MeetnGreeter acts like a safety net, preventing any inconveniences.

The situation can be different and MeetnGreeters should be ready to provide information about emergency centers and accompany Guest to them in order to provide timely medical help.

Key points:
– helping the Guest to reach the destination point;
– interpreting and translating if the doctor doesn’t speak the Guest’s native language;
– staying with the Guest to the end of the doctor’s appointment and assisting with insurance coverage or payment process, if needed.

It should be determined in advance what exactly this service includes: whether the MeetnGreeter is to make an appointment and accompany Guests to the medical institution or also be present throughout the appointment and help to plan the subsequent treatment.

Sick care

The focus of sick care service is based on providing individual medical care to the Guest abroad. Frequently it happens so that the Guest can fall ill when being abroad, in such a case the MeetnGreeter will be expected to help the Guest with his/her issues, help purchase some medicine, call emergency, organize an appointment with a doctor, etc.

Sick care also includes emergency messaging between the Guest and his/her family, assistance with lost documents abroad, advice on necessary actions (for example, connected with insurance), etc.

Key points:
– making sure you gain a clear understanding of the Guest’s state of health and any related issues, such as the presence of a medical insurance;
– knowing that some medical services should be licensed;
– ability to endure stressful situations.

Arrange sports activities

Do you remember that health-conscious travel is on the rise this year? The value of primary wellness trips (these are trips when travelers go somewhere specifically for their well-being and include stays at ashrams or yoga retreats, for example) is increasing more than ever.

That is why Guests might be willing to engage in different sports activities and wish to visit such places as swimming pools, gyms, tennis courts, and others. MeetnGreeters should know all the details and specific features of doing this or that particular sport in their region.

It is also possible to offer your support especially if you are a professional tennis player, a coach, or maybe a skydiving instructor.

Key points:
– understanding the Guest’s needs and interests;
– knowing what activities can be offered to your Guest in your city;
– making sure you are knowledgeable about safety and health standards.

You are to determine whether you are going to provide instructor services, or you are ready to organize rent of sports equipment or just arrange a membership pass for the Guest to attend some sports facilities.

All in all, to escape the worst thing that can happen on a long-awaited adventure – getting sick – we advise you to adhere to some basic rules while traveling:

  1. stock up on the medicines you take regularly, infrequently, and even only sometimes;
  2. consider getting vaccinated;
  3. know your travel insurance policy (some policies cover extensive medical-related costs like body casts and flights home, while others might only cover emergency-room care);
  4. don’t ‘wait and see’ on any disease symptoms;
  5. keep your primary doctor back at home in the loop.

We wish you safe and sound journeys and remind you that we always back you in case of any unpredictability.

To clarify something, you can always write a comment that will not remain unanswered or drop us a line at

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2 responses to “MeetnGreetMe Services: Health/Fitness”

  1. Viagrapills says:

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  2. UnFlo says:

    Thank you. Worthwhile report.

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