
Blog, Concierge Guide

March 29, 2024

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To make sure that everything during your trip is planned as clean as a whistle and goes literally without a hitch, you should not only focus on the entertainment and arriving matters but also take into account some smaller things. As you know, small things mean a lot and if some of them go wrong, it spoils the impression of the entire trip.

But it’s not the case when you are with MeetnGreetMe – we make lemonade out of lemons.

Guests should be assured that wherever they find themselves in the world, MeetnGreeters will be able to help them deal with any major and minor issues during their stay, from 24h information support to helping with money matters.

Assist with banking and money matters

Let’s come up with such situations: you have to open a new bank account in person, you need to take out a loan in your host country, you move and want to find a good tax consultant or, what is worse, your credit card gets stolen abroad. Frightening, right? And what if you are doing business in a foreign country and you need assistance in operating bank accounts or making cross-border payments to foreign vendors?

If you don’t know where to go and what to do, knowledgeable locals will surely help you to have hassle-free access to your money. A MeetnGreeter should be able to advise the Guest on the best way to solve their banking and money matters and assist with paying bills, currency exchange, opening accounts, etc. as well as accompany to the bank, if needed.

Key points:
– conducting a thorough research in order to give thoughtful advice;
– asking the Guest all the necessary questions to be able to offer the best possible option;
– accompanying the Guest to the place and helping with all the queries arising on the spot.

The MeetnGreeter should confirm all the services required, offer some choice to the Guest supported with arguments based on the prior research, and, in some situations, accompany the Guest to the bank.

Book personal care and services

International Guests often have to pay twice for personal care and services, such as shoe repair, laundry, bathhouse, spa, etc. Firstly, this is so because they find it hard to find a place which ensures high quality of the service provided. Secondly, travelers are often overcharged. It is up to MeetnGreeters to advise and assist Guests in choosing the best place to book personal care and services.

Key points:
– asking the Guest all the necessary questions to be able to offer the best possible option;
– accompanying the Guest to the place and helping with all the queries arising on the spot, if the presence is required;
– taking into the consideration the Guest’s location.

The MeetnGreeter should make sure that the Guest is satisfied with his/her work. To do so, it needs to be clarified if a MeetnGreeter is expected only to book personal care and services and/or be in charge of the whole process. This needs to be confirmed prior to concluding the deal.

Arrange a repair or an engineer visit

They sometimes say that what can go wrong, will go wrong. While one is abroad, problems have the potential to completely ruin your holiday and leave you financially in the red. This is quite pessimistic, however, it is better to be prepared for unexpected situations rather than not.

This service is for you if you dropped your iPhone and the screen became covered with cracks, broke something in a rented apartment or scratched the car.

A MeetnGreeter should be able to arrange a repair or engineer visit to the Guest’s place of stay, assist in finding a good company to fix devices, etc.

Key points:
– preparing a few options for the Guest to choose from, outlining the amount of time and money needed by different companies to repair a device or fix any other related problem;
– the MeetnGreeter should make sure that the problem is fixed or handed over to experts.

24h information support

When abroad, sometimes all our Guests need is to call or text someone to ask for directions or resolve some minor queries. A MeetnGreeter should be willing to provide the Guest with 24h information support.

You may not need this in big cities, especially if you have Internet access, but it may be ultimately useful to know that somebody can back you if you go to some small and undiscovered countries and cities.

Usually, our Guests request 24h support for the whole period of their stay. It means the service is considered to be over when the Guest is about to depart – so it’s important to calculate the cost before arrival.

Key points:
– deciding on the channel of communication when the Guest is in your city;
– making sure your phone is always switched on;
– familiarizing yourself with the plan the Guest has for the upcoming days to be prepared with possible questions and answers.

Make telephone calls

Do you know that troubles with mobile phones are considered to be one of the top three problems when traveling?

This is mainly due to poor coverage, expensive global roaming, troubles getting your SIM card work at the destination or language barriers. The MeetnGreeter should be able to solve problems related to phone calls.

Key points:
– finding out the needs of the Guest and suggesting the best options;
– reaching other people and talking to them by phone on the Guest’s request;
– advising or purchasing a local SIM-card for the Guest, if needed;
– providing information about the Wi-Fi coverage at the destination.

The MeetnGreeter should be capable of providing the Guest with a local SIM-card if required, as well as making phone calls on behalf of the Guest or help them solve other related problems.

Find contacts

Sometimes the culture, information on the Internet, foreign language, lack of time or expertise don’t allow Guests to find the needed contacts in the country of interest.

A MeetnGreeter needs to find the contacts in the format requested by the Guest and provide him/her with a file where all the contacts are outlined in the format requested.

Key points:
– finding out all the necessary information from the Guest to help you look for the contacts;
– discovering the format and type of information needed by the Guest: email address, telephone number, address, number of the office, etc.

Buy flowers

No matter the distance and occasion, when the Guest needs to buy flowers for a business partner, themselves or someone they care about, a MeetnGreeter should be able to advice on the best place to buy flowers and assist, if required, with delivery.

The MeetnGreeter needs to confirm the kind and the number of flowers needed, find out the price the Guest is willing to spend, and ask the Guest if the delivery is needed.

And the huge plus here is that in this case the Guest will not be overcharged by some international flower delivery service and receive fresh and carefully collected flowers.

Key points:
– informing whether some kinds of flowers have negative connotations in this particular culture;
– confirmation of the kind and the amount of flowers needed;
– finding out the sum of money the Guest is prepared to spend on the flowers;
– arranging the delivery of the flowers.

All in all, if you decide to play on the safe side while traveling, please feel free to take advantage of MeetnGreetMe services.

Note that you can also turn to previous editions anytime and discover all the possible options and ideas:
Arrival & Staying Part 1;
Arrival & Staying Part 2;
Entertainment Part 1;
Entertainment Part 2.

And that is not all, two more articles are waiting for you ahead. Stay in touch or go book services you need for the upcoming trip if you have already decided what do you need.:)

Book a personal travel concierge in London

One response to “MeetnGreetMe Services: Day-to-Day Issues”

  1. Greg says:

    Thank you for posting!

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