
Blog, Concierge Guide

March 15, 2024

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Once you have arrived in terra incognita safe and sound and settled in a new place, it is time to get acquainted with the city and plunge into the atmosphere right away without losing any time.

Entertainment category of services is under discussion for today. Its aim is not only to make a Guest feel comfortable in a new environment but also help them to get a unique experience and engage in the authentic life of the city.

Well, who else will make you feel at home if not local friends? That is what all our MeetnGreeters are aimed to do! So, if you need someone to organize a personalized trip from the beginning to the end and provide you with rustic experience in any field you wish – choose a local concierge in a city of your stay.

Book a personal travel concierge in London

Here goes!

Information on culture, lifestyle and traditions

If you need to get reliable and precise information about the local culture, traditions and lifestyle, this is it! No matter whether you gather information for a research, book or blog, want to learn more about the country you are moving to or just eager to explore some aspects of unknown religion – MeetnGreeters know all the answers and are ready to share and give multiple advice.

Make sure you agree in advance on the place, time and format of the information to be presented. For example, it can be a short summary of the question of interest sent via email or a short interview during a coffee meeting.

Key points:
– MeetnGreeters should remember that they provide service to individuals who represent their own culture, so at all times they should try to remain tolerant, respectful, politically correct and friendly;
– specifying what information is needed to the Guest: description of local customs and etiquette, most common confusions that international travelers usually experience, giving tips on doing business;
– outlining cultural and especially religious features.

Book/buy tickets to events/sports games

Are you a fan of any sports team? Or an amateur of a particular music band? Maybe, you want to attend a lecture of a famous professor or to take part in a contest / workshop / marathon in a foreign city?

We understand that for a modern traveler, it is not enough to try national cuisine or take pictures in front of the sights – they want to be in the epicenter of events and activities. It is time for event tourism expansion and trips with a purpose.

As a rule, many kinds of events are highly demanding and time-consuming for international travelers as they are expected to book/buy tickets to events/sports games, arrange transportation, accommodation, etc. MeetnGreeters are expected to guide the Guests through the whole process and help them solve all the related issues.

Key points:
– finding out all the details about the Guest’s needs and wants, as well as the amount of time and money the Guest is expected to allocate for these particular matters;
– learning more about the event/sports game the Guest’s attending and be prepared to suggest some good alternatives;
– defining whether the tickets will be acquired by MeetnGreeter and how they will be handed over to the Guest;
– consulting with the local fans.

Note that we also have such service as “accompany to events”, so you can combine them if needed.

Arrange travel tours to local attractions

Vaduz Castle in Liechtenstein

Every destination has some must-see local attractions and places of interest, somewhere this number is quite small while in other cases the Guests have a multitude of options to choose from. And surely, there are always some pearls that are hidden from a traveler’s view.

The MeetnGreeter will be expected to create a plan for the Guest of the places to visit and make a short description of them, specify working hours, ways to get there, things to do, where to eat, etc. In some cases, MeetnGreeters will be expected to accompany the Guests to the local attractions and show them around.

Key points:
– knowing great places in your city and being able to share a few interesting facts about them;
– understanding the Guest’s interests: tanks, ballet, or, perhaps, dog racing? Ask! It will help you to deliver an unforgettable experience to your Guest.

Arrange a gastronomic tour

By a region’s literature and architecture, you understand its history, by its art and music you understand its self-image. It is by the food, though, that you understand its true character. Every local area, region, country, city, and even a district can be famous for a special dish, drink, type of food or even the way of cooking or serving some dishes.

Frequently Guests travel for gastronomic reasons. And, as nowadays there is a shift away from fine dining while vacationing, modern travelers are seeking unique food experiences. In such a case they expect the MeetnGreeter to arrange their visit or take them to the best places to try out and/or buy that special food or drink their local area is famous for.

Key points:
– being prepared to dedicate some time to show the Guests around the top restaurants in the area, breweries, oil factories, wineries, etc;
– determination of what your area is particularly eminent for, what the best places are;
– being prepared to draw up a full-fledged gastronomic tour for the Guests with all the information listed and the costs specified.

Personal city guiding

Prague, Czech Republic

In truth, personal city guiding is the service Guests favor most of all on our platform. This service is quite a mixture of everything: here the MeetnGreeter should be prepared to allocate a certain amount of time to show the Guest around the area, accompany him/her to the local places of interest and attractions, share some interesting facts about the history of the city and country, advise on the best places to eat out, and even interpret, if needed.

Taking this particular service into consideration, the MeetnGreeter should make everything possible to help the Guest explore all the corners of the local areas and enjoy the time spent.

Key points:
– finding out how much time there is at the Guest’s disposal;
– learning more details about the Guest’s preferences, needs and wants;
– being prepared to allocate a specified amount of time to clearly plan the itinerary, check working hours, prepare some interesting stories and actually show the Guest around.

To make a vacation as vivid and filled with emotions as possible, we advise the Guests to combine several services during their stay. For this purpose, next week we will continue with such services from Entertainment category as “Nightlife hot spots guiding”, “Planning a trip” and many others – so stay in touch!

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