
Blog, Concierge Guide

March 1, 2024

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It’s an open secret that every time people go to another country they fall into a trap because of not knowing the city, its rules, and traditions. Obstacles can await travelers literally everywhere and easily spoil the long-awaited vacation resulting in extra expenses and time spent on solving.

We understand it like no other how puzzling it can be to deal with these obstacles, and this is why our service appeared: help from a local travel assistant can save you valuable time and money, make you feel at home straight away in order for you to start your trip in a relaxed manner.

Furthermore, we want to prevent all possible difficulties that could arise while planning a trip – so we started the series of articles about MeetnGreetMe services. This series will be useful both for those who provide services (hello, MeetnGreeters!) and those who need them.

All in all, there are 5 broad categories of services a MeetnGreeter can assist you with: Arrival/Staying, Entertainment, Day-to-day issues, Business matters and Health/Fitness.

Today we cover all the points concerning the very first one: Arrival and Staying. We think about this category as the core one as it is not a secret that the first impression means a lot not only when you meet a person, but also when you arrive at a foreign city – it largely determines your attitude to the place that will be your home for a while (even if this “a while” implies only several days or even hours).

There are 10 types of services in this category, and now we invite you to start getting acquainted with them! Note that for this purpose you can also use this page (only while you are logged in).

Book a hotel/apartments

The service ‘book a hotel/apartment’ implies that the MeetnGreeter (a local concierge) is to find or book accommodation on behalf of the Guest taking into consideration the Guest’s preferences and budget: from the fanciest Caribbean resort to a tree house in the Scottish outback or igloo somewhere closer to the North Pole (yep, such options of accommodation also exist and are on the rise now, just ask your local assistant for the options available).

Key points:
– clear definition of the Guest’s needs and expectations;
– determination of the expected result of MeetnGreeters work (there are 2 possible options: a Guest can request a file with a list of accommodation options and descriptions how to book them, or the key from the Guest’s apartment itself);
– different options to let the Guest choose the most suitable one.

Meet upon arrival

Whether the traveler arrives at the airport, train/bus or metro station, this service means that the MeetnGreeter is expected to help the Guest leave the place of arrival freely and take them to the destination agreed and defined earlier (be it a taxi waiting at the entrance, the closest bus station or walking to the hotel that was booked).

Key points:
– finding out the exact place and time to MeetnGreet the Guest and being in touch to know about the delay in transport and the change in arrival time;
– clear specification whether the travel cost of a MeetnGreeter to the venue is included in the total cost of services or is paid as additional expenses;
– assistance and escort through “fast track” immigration, if required;
– preparing a name sign for the Guest.

Accompany during stay

To our point of view, this service is a very broad one, as the Guest can request a MeetnGreeter a variety of options: from giving instructions about staying in the country and assisting with the luggage to SIM card registration and other specific needs unique to a place of stay. In case you need a hiking buddy, this service is right for you.

A key point here is to determine all the important components of the service and time required.

Accompany to events

It is the right service if you are looking for a company to go to the theater or attend a business conference together and want to have a person to talk to, take photos or just practice a foreign language in a friendly atmosphere.

Key points:
– Guest should give a detailed description of the event’s format and dress code, determine when and where the event will end;
– if the event is not free of charge, the additional expenses include an entrance ticket for the MeetnGreeter;
– MeetnGreeter should think in advance about some common topics for discussion and professional competencies required.


Interpreting and translation services by MeetnGreeters include such skills as, firstly, the ability to understand the language and the culture of the country where the Guest is and, secondly, have a good command of the target language.

A MeetnGreeter, in turn, should clarify whether he/she is prepared to offer oral or written translation. In case of the former, please specify if you are ready to interpret consecutively or simultaneously.

Sometimes the cost of the service depends on the amount of work done (translation) and sometimes Guests are to pay hourly (interpreting).

Key points:
– ability to convey meaning and express thoughts clearly using both languages – the level of proficiency and certificates/related education should be considered;
– excellent note-taking techniques for consecutive interpreting;
– previous experience in translating and/or interpreting.

Now, when you know the list of the key services from the Arrival/Staying category and their meaning, you can easily select those you can provide or those you will need during your upcoming trip.

And if you already want to make your first deal and deprive yourself of any travel worries, click the button below and choose a knowledgeable local MeetnGreeter in your destination city.

Book a personal travel concierge in London

If any of your questions were not raised by us in this article, feel free to write them in the comments – they will not remain unanswered!
Next article will be released soon – stay in touch. :)

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