
Blog, Concierge Guide

July 25, 2023

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During a video interview with an Italian MeetnGreeter, he thanked us for creating the service that will help a great number of international travelers. He said we should make the world know about MeetnGreetMe and shared his ideas on how to achieve it. We, in our turn, added to his ideas our own ones and decided to share with you how you can promote yourself and MeetnGreetme at the same time.

While some MeetnGreeters have already welcomed their Guests and have earned positive feedback and rating, the others are still unaware of great possibilities of self-marketing. We decided to solve this question and describe how you can easily promote yourself to get more Guests through MeetnGreetMe travel concierge platform.

1. Enable notifications

First and foremost, you should learn fast about new messages and service requests from Guests. That’s why we added notifications to your Facebook and SMS that will let you immediately know about new messages and deals. Enabling notifications is very simple: you just need to go to your Settings – Notifications and tick the boxes in front of Messages and Deals. Important: to enable notifications you should have your phone number, email address and Facebook verified. Please do this in your Settings – Verifications.

2. Share your MeetnGreetMe business card

An easy and effective way to let people know that you are in! MeetnGreetMe designed personal cards for every MeetnGreeter based on your profile. Share your personal card on your Facebook page to make sure that not only your friends but also their fellows can ask you to MeetnGreet. What you need to do is just to go to:

- MeetnGreeter’s Statement in your profile
- click on Share on Facebook
- or click Share on Twitter.

This is how you can easily drive the word of mouth. We, in our turn, share your cards in our social networks to lead more customers to you.

MeetnGreetMe business card shared by Yareli

3. Be the first in the list

How many MeetnGreeters are in your city? In some cities, there are more than 5 pages with local concierges ready to help a traveler. This makes it very competitive and you should do your best to be on the first page of the list. In order not to lag behind all the rest 50+ MeetnGreetMe concierges available in your city, you just need to return to MeetnGreetMe more often. The system ranks concierges according to their activity on the website, so you can easily top the list just by visiting the platform.

4. Be active in travel groups

Share your business card in different travel groups in social networks and tell people what you can do for them. Join groups about traveling to your city and tell its members that if they need any assistance they can rely on you. Just have a look at the example below made by our Florentine MeetnGreeter Donato:

Follow the example of Florentine MeetnGreeter Donato ;)

5. Ask for References

Get to know what your friends think of you

Make your friends work a bit and help you out. Ask your friends, colleagues and all other people who know how great you are to leave a small reference to your profile. They will underline your strong points you may even didn’t think about and let Guests know that you are awesome indeed. Again, a very easy step – visit your Edit Profile – References and invite up to five friends to share their appreciation of you and increase your trustworthiness level.

6. Get a 100% complete profile

It’s trite to say so but complete your profile to the full. Add as many details as you can – interesting (and maybe unexpected) information about yourself, beautiful pictures of your city and places you’ve been to, your hobbies and interests, all languages you speak and verifications. It is interesting to note that quite often Guests request concierge services from those MeetnGreeters who share the same hobbies or interests with them. And verifications let the person understand how trustworthy you are.

Profile of London MeetnGreeter Ben

7. Video Introduction

Along with nice pictures, you can upload your short video introduction. Just say hello to your future Guests, tell why you decided to MeetnGreet in your city, what you like and know to do most or just show how great you are. We know this works in getting a customer, otherwise, we wouldn’t recommend it to you ;)

8. Co-create for our blog

Get more views of your profile by sharing with the world the most breathtaking places of your region, the best places to try delicious local cuisine, unveil your culture and meet amazing people. This is what we write in co-creation articles on MeetnGreetMe blog. In this article, we give links to your MeetnGreetMe account to make it easier to find you and request concierge services.

MeetnGreetMe solves real problems of modern travelers. We provide a venue for getting concierge services from local people and very often we receive lovely feedbacks from our dear Guests. Share your experience of MeetnGreeting and document your Guests’ feelings, emotions and experiences.

concierge services and personal assistance

These are the marketing techniques that do work well for every MeetnGreetMe concierge. If you follow these simple guidelines, you’ll see that the number of Guests contacting you will be constantly increasing. If you know other methods of self-promotion feel free to share them with us here in comments or on our email The best ideas will be rewarded.

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