
Blog, Concierge Guide

June 18, 2023


From my own experience, I know how puzzling it can be to deal with your first Guest’s request on MeetnGreetMe. Personally, I MeetnGreeted two big delegations from Oman and Finland which came in Minsk. At first, it was very difficult to structure all their needs that usually look like “we are a group of travelers and we want some nice activities in Minsk” - and that’s it :) But then you start talking to your Guest so that it becomes a detailed plan of what you need to do to make a really exciting trip for your customer.

So I would like to share with you my own experience and advice on how to deal with the first customer request at MeetnGreetMe.

As soon as you are verified, your profile becomes active (i.e. visible) in your city. So from the moment of your verification when people search for local concierges in your city, your profile will appear in the list. We have already advised you on how to create a selling profile at MeetnGreetMe and after that how to promote yourself, so now we are touching upon the next step – dealing with customer requests.

A Guest has chosen you as a local MeetnGreeter to improve their travel experience and provide travel concierge services they are looking for. Guests can send you a message or can create a Deal with you without previous texting in a chat. Whatever way the Guest chooses we advise you to start (or keep on) communicating in the chat.

Find out guests’ interests and goals

First, ask the traveler about their interests in private messages. Giving a personal city guiding tour will be different for different Guests. One Guest is more interested in history, exact facts and dates, another wants to learn about architecture, culture, and arts, someone is looking for a nice walking around the main landmarks talking about everything and getting to know the city meanwhile.

Your client may have some special interests, like ancient history or modern times, local cuisine and gastronomy or roofs to take photos of amazing views onto the city, etc. You know the city very well, so now you should get to know well your Guest along with their tastes, expectations, and preferences in order to make the personal city guiding tour tailor-made for this particular Guest.

Check with the services

As soon as you have understood what are the Guest’s expectations, you can get down to a more detailed investigation.

For example, a Guest requests a gastronomic tour and wants to try local cuisine in a cozy restaurant with a traditional authentic interior. Think about all the necessary pre-arrangements. These will be choosing the restaurant (first selecting yourself 2-4 variants compatible with the Guest’s request and then sharing them with the customer to let them choose), booking a table (or tables depending on the number of people) for a certain day and time, and if the restaurant needs it, making a pre-order and pre-payment. Pre-order and pre-payment should be made with the consent of your Guest.

This thorough investigation of Guests’ needs, interests and desires is the way how you should arrange any concierge services requested through MeetnGreetMe platform. Make a table for the Guest and point out:

- Date
- Time
- Service
- Special details

Finalize points in the request

It may happen that you have a group of Guests who request a tour to local attractions, for example. Think if they will need to have something else arranged. Do they need a transfer? For how many people and at what time to depart? Will the excursion be provided in their language or is there a need of a professional interpreter? Is it worth to book a restaurant for them if the excursion takes much time? If the answer is yes to at least one of the questions, make all the necessary arrangements and include them in the table adding the price for your service.

As soon as all the customer preferences and requested services are taken into account, show the table to the Guest for approval. The traveler may make some corrections as for the time, place, etc.

Make a Deal

When the traveler is happy about all the arrangements and suggestions, it’s high time to get down to work! Help the traveler make a Deal on MeetnGreetMe platform and include there all the services you are to deliver. If there are additional expenses like tickets to events, tell the Guest to include them, too.

To make a Deal the Guest should click on the orange Request button in your profile. There the traveler fills in the request form – indicates the dates, time (if applicable), services, special details, ticks the box that agrees to the Terms of Service of MeetnGreetMe. As soon as the Guest has offered you a Deal you should accept it and after that, the customer will be able to make a payment.

Deliver high-end concierge service

On the travel day(s) of your Guest provide the requested services. Always be polite, friendly, professional and customer-oriented.

What makes MeetnGreetMe stand out of the crowd is that MeetnGreeters are not only professionals, but they are dear friends to their Guests, they are representatives of their country and culture, they show the real city and its life. That’s why some Guests and MeetnGreeters keep on communicating after the Guest’s departure. This is a new way of traveling and you are one of the numerous people around the world who helps travelers enjoy, feel and live their city.

Do you want to become a MeetnGreeter in your city? Sign up and follow the instructions listed here.

Should you have any further questions, feel free to contact us. We do love talking to you!

2 responses to “How to Deal with the First Customer Request at MeetnGreetMe”

  1. Jack says:

    Thank you very much! Just one question is left - how do I receive the payment?

    1. Katya Klishchuk Katya Klishchuk says:

      Hello Jack,
      MeetnGreeters receive the payment either to their bank account or Paysera account. Just choose the most convenient way and complete the form in your Settings - Balance.

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