
Concierge Guide

November 24, 2023

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After you have decided that you want to make a career on your love to helping people and meeting international travelers and become a MeetnGreetMe concierge, you may wonder how to attract more clients. We have been repeatedly asked by MeetnGreeters from different continents: “How do I promote myself as a MeetnGreeter so that I would receive more requests?” So, we decided to help all the travel concierges and personal assistants get more visibility and, as a consequence, more clients.

1. Perfect your MeetnGreetMe profile

Start with your profile. Does it look professional? Is it trustworthy? Look at it through traveler’s eyes and define what should be added and what removed. Upload a professional photo, write some lines about you and what you can do, describe your interests (who knows, maybe having the same interests with you will make a Guest want to hire only you!) and provide as many verification as you can. Actively promote yourself on social media – in various groups and communities. Accurately describe what you offer and give a link to your profile.

2. Share your business card

Share your MeetnGreetMe business card on your social networks accounts. Let your friends know that if someone will need some help in your city, they can definitely turn to your assistance! And if your friends share your post with the business card, you’ll cover several cities and a few thousand social networks users some of whom may be just searching for someone like you! You can also print this business card and distribute it in local cafes, restaurants, travel agencies, airport and railway stations, universities, landmarks and all other places attracting international guests.

3. Deliver high-quality service to your guests

Remember a general rule applied in the service sector: do your best and provide a high-quality service. This will bring you a reputation of a highly professional concierge and personal assistant which will let the word-of-mouth work. Just recall, how many times in your life you have relied on your family’s, friends’, colleagues’ advice and chose an item they highly recommended? We tend to rely on our previous experience and if we don’t have any, we listen to people around us. So once you have been a perfect MeetnGreeter to one traveler, this may bring you a few new clients – those who have listened to a positive feedback about your service and professionalism.

4. Specialize in your own niche

Define your niche according to the sphere of your interests, your education and professional background. Probably, you are closely connected with cooking and gastronomy, so you can take national cuisine as your specialization. Or maybe you studied history and arts – then you’ll be a perfect tour guide. MeetnGreetMe gives great opportunities for people with different background – bloggers, teachers, translators, lawyers, tour guides, entrepreneurs, professional sportsmen, etc. – to share with the world their love to the native city. So choose what suits you best and turn it into your distinctive feature.

5. Network all the time

Network, network, network… Every time you have a chance to tell about your MeetnGreetMe experience and services, do it. The more people will know about what you do, the better chances you have to get new clients.

6. Contribute to MeetnGreetMe blog

Become MeetnGreetMe blog contributor and start co-creating with us. Tell us what makes you love your city, why is it unique, what places are your favourite and why and we will share your thoughts with the world. If you have a professional look and a great experience in concierge services, tourism and hospitality and you have something to tell – become a regular author of MeetnGreetMe blog posts and it will make you stand out of the pack.

7. Promote yourself on external platforms and use extra opportunities

Or simply promote yourself the way you can. If you are a blogger – make a blog post about what you offer and invite people request your services. If you are a professor – let your international students know that they can ask you to help to know more about the city, its traditions, people, culture. Use every opportunity to promote yourself as a MeetnGreeter and you’ll see that in no time you will be booked up with requests.

If you know some other techniques on how to promote yourself as a MeetnGreetMe travel concierge, share them in comments below or write to us on Good luck!

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