
Blog, Concierge Guide, How-to, Travel Tips

December 10, 2023


One of my acquaintances, CEO at a top-tier tech consultancy, once said: “First thing you need to invest in is a personal assistant”.

And I couldn’t agree more! Especially when you regularly travel for business matters.

While traveling for business purposes it’s extremely important to get everything done right on time. It’s pretty difficult to stay organized and productive away from the office, especially when you have lots of tasks not related to your business: find a hotel, figure out how to navigate, not miss a flight etc.

The solution is easy: your personal business concierge.

Besides, speaking from my own experience, I always want more: not only to meet my international colleagues or partners but also to explore the city, have some fun and be around people. As you know, our MeetnGreeters in 300 cities around the world can deal not only with individual travelers but also with business travel groups and even delegations.

Now let me tell you about the benefits of lifestyle management and show you 5 ways how a personal assistant aka MeetnGreeter can make your business trip 10 times more efficient and fun!

Book a personal travel concierge in London

  • Preparation for the trip

    Your personal assistant can start helping you before your trip has even started. Your business concierge/local insider can advise on a hotel’s location or help you choose an apartment according to your needs and budget, as well as a short- or a long-term co-working space. Moreover, if you need to schedule meetings with your foreign partners, find business contacts of representatives of businesses complementary to yours, or look for relevant events and conferences, a MeetnGreeter can do this too.

MeetnGreetMe Personal Assistants Book Flights Concierge Dinner Reservation Booking  Business Concierge Meet at the airport Transfer

  • Meeting upon arrival and making you feel at home

    In order not to waste your time at the airport looking for the right exit or trying to call a taxi, hire a personal assistant: a MeetnGreeter will gladly meet you upon arrival, organize a transfer to your accommodation, hand over the keys or buy a SIM card so that you can save your nerves and time.

    Apart from that, we all know that nowadays a phone charger might be the thing that you need most after a long flight, so a personal assistant can provide you with it as well.

  • Events and conferences

    At MeetnGreetMe, we have dealt with some corporate requests so we can say for sure: a business conference is the occasion when you definitely need one or even several personal business concierges. They can check-in for you, interpret and translate, schedule meetings within an event and even pitch your business and represent your company (yes, our MeetnGreeters have been dealing with it, too).

    Besides, it makes you feel really confident when you have your own troubleshooter.

Book a personal travel concierge in London


  • Your well-being

    Eating well and feeling well cannot be overemphasized when you are on a business trip.

    If you don’t want to skip your exercise even when you’re abroad, a personal assistant will find a suitable fitness class at your destination: close to your accommodation, with a certificated fitness trainer.

    Or, after a long day on a conference with several meetings you just want to relax – a vetted local assistant can arrange a spa evening for you, so you can be full of life and energy the day after.

    Eating well is an important part of your well-being, and trying authentic meals and simply enjoying your food is an essential part of a trip. Having a personal local assistant is an amazing opportunity to have someone who’s ready to find suitable eating places according to your diet, preferences, and location of your stay, recommend you the best places price/quality ratio-wise and even book tables for you!

Arranging your entertainment

Going on a business trip, don’t forget about your personal interests. Are you interested in the history of the city you’re visiting and the most popular places of interest? Your personal assistant can find a professional guide for you. Are you more into authentic places where local people hang out and have fun? Then a MeetnGreeter can be your guide into a local’s life.

Theatres and museums, game and cinema tickets, hidden gems and hints, the best nightclubs, restaurants and even outdoor experiences – personal assistants can arrange it all!


Summing it up, a personal assistant for your business can save you a lot of time, nerves and add some local charm and authenticity, so you not only have an efficient trip but also nice memories of the city.

With MeetnGreetMe it’s possible, so wish bigger!


Book a personal travel concierge in London

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5 responses to “5 Ways How a Personal Assistant Can Make Your Business Trip Efficient (And Fun)”

  1. Zeeshan Ali says:

    Your post topic is very informative and useful for all readers

  2. Mindy Jollie says:

    I like what you said about needing to eat healthily and maintain health while you travel, and using a personal concierge or assistant to help with that. I imagine that people that travel a lot for a living have to consider more carefully the places they eat and what they eat there. My brother travels a lot for business, so I’ll have to let him know the benefits of getting someone to help him!

  3. Braden Bills says:

    I want to make sure that my business trip goes well. It makes sense that setting up a concierge would be beneficial! It would be nice to have an assistant to do that for me, but I don’t know if I have the resources for that. Being able to have someone take me around would be beneficial enough, anyways.

  4. Faylinn says:

    I never knew that a personal assistant can help you eat better. My husband travels a lot and needs some help. I think that it’ll be good if we find a service for him.

  5. Jerry Woods says:

    I like how you mentioned that a personal assistant can help you exercise when you’re traveling abroad. My brother is going overseas soon for a business trip and he was wondering how he can stay with his workout routine while away from home. I’ll be sure to tell him to hire a personal assistant to help him with staying fit on his trip.

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