
Blog, Concierge Guide, How-to, Travel Tips

July 11, 2023

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Nowadays life is busier and more demanding than ever, and vacation time is more valuable. You want your trip to be a perfect escape from your everyday routine but you don’t have much time to plan and arrange everything, and it makes you anxious and worried if everything goes smoothly.

The right thing to do in a situation like that is to delegate all the trip planning and preparations to someone dedicated, resourceful and trustworthy. The best option would be to hire a MeetnGreeter – your local insider/assistant/ friend who is capable of running any kind of your errands to make sure you will have an amazing trip and make it as personalized and authentic as possible. In short, MeetnGreeters do the work, you pack and go and enjoy your trip!

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If you are still hesitating whether or not you need a local MeetnGreeter for your next trip and asking yourself how you can benefit from MeetnGreetMe services – here you are!
We prepared a 7-examples-Guide of how you can use travel assistance services.

Bookings and transportation

MeetnGreetMe Personal Travel Assistant Book apartment hotel transportation

It might be not so difficult to find plane tickets, flight aggregators can really make your life a bit easier. But sometimes you get dragged into your work routine so deeply that you don’t have any time or energy to do that. Not to mention a situation when you have a multi-city trip on your schedule. It might become tricky: many local websites with bus and train tickets are not only uneasy to understand but also not translated into English. This is where you definitely need a local assistant who will plan a convenient travel schedule for you and buy tickets for you.

The same with hotels and apartments. Thank god we have Airbnb and Booking, but what if you want to rent a cozy little villa in a small village somewhere to enjoy the nature and take a break from noisy cities? Not sure you will be able to find such accommodation on platforms like Airbnb. A local insider can make a research for you on local websites and find the accommodation according to your needs and budget, and also get the best price for you.

Your well-being

Good health and well-being cannot be overemphasized, especially when you’re on vacation. Surprisingly, this is the domain where you probably need a personal assistant the most.

Let’s imagine you’re a passionate fitness-lover and don’t want to skip your exercise even during your vacation. Let a personal travel assistant find a suitable fitness class at your destination: close to your accommodation, with a certificated fitness trainer.

Or, let’s say, you just adore exploring new cities. Walking around the city and exploring it’s hidden corners can be tough, especially physically. You probably know that feeling when you come back to your apartment, fall onto a bed without even taking your shoes off, take a look at the walking app on your phone and see that you’ve made 45 010 steps. You groan and think “I was supposed to chill out!” but it’s too late: you already can’t feel your feet and legs. Just imagine what you’ll feel the next day. A local MeetnGreeter can book an appointment with a massage therapist or arrange a spa-day for you, so you don’t need to worry about it at all.

Or let’s imagine the worst case scenario: you’re abroad and you fall ill. In a situation like that, having a trustworthy local behind your back is more than necessary.

Food management

Eating well, trying authentic meals and simply enjoying your food is an essential part of a trip. Having a local travel assistant is an amazing opportunity to have someone who’s ready to find suitable eating places according to your diet, preferences, and location of your stay, recommend you the best places price/quality ratio-wise and even book tables for you!

Moreover, if you’re traveling alone, a MeetnGreeter can not only arrange a gastronomic tour or barhopping experience but also keep you company. After all, who knows the places with authentic cuisine better than a local?


Whether you need a recommendation on the best vintage shops or flea markets, or you are a vinyl collector and need the list of all the vinyl shops in the neighborhood – feel free to ask our local travel assistants for help! Furthermore, there are some professional shopping assistants and stylists among our MeetnGreeters, so if you want a professional advice or insight on the best sales and concept stores – look no further!

Besides shopping assistance during your trip, you can also ask a local MeetnGreeter to find something and send it to you, or help you locate a hard to find item, or even buy and deliver gifts for your friend living in another city.

Literally, any assistance is possible with MeetnGreetMe travel assistants, trust me!


Event making is not an easy job to do even if you are not abroad. Just imagine how stressful and exhausting it is to organize an event in another country!

Whatever it is – wedding, bachelor party, meetup – it’s better to delegate the event-related tasks to a resourceful local assistant who will be glad to help you save your time and energy for something else.

Or if it’s a conference, a MeetnGreeter will research venues, coordinate speakers, troubleshoot any issues or even represent your company at the conference if you cannot attend yourself.

Business Matters

Business travel has never been more relevant than it is now. In order to meet partners, find potential clients and maintain the existing business relationship, entrepreneurs and executives travel abroad quite frequently.

While traveling for business purposes it’s extremely important to get everything done right on time although it’s pretty difficult to stay organized and productive away from the office, especially when you have lots of tasks not related to your business: find a hotel, figure out how to navigate, not miss a flight etc. Let a local travel assistant handle all of this.

Find a co-working near your hotel? No problem! Search for business contacts in the area? Here you are! Help you with relocation? Sure thing! Negotiate on your behalf? Yes, sure!

In addition to a trustworthy likeminded local who can save you a lot of stress and energy, you will also get some time for yourself: to relax, explore the city or just enjoy doing nothing for a moment.

It’s worth it, I promise.

Saving your nerves

And last but not least is this amazing feeling of confidence when you know that you have your back covered and that someone can make your life easier and save you stress.

Sure thing, reading about places to go is fun and exciting but let’s face the truth: planning a trip is stressful. There’s so much data available online that you feel confused and don’t know what to choose from.

There’s one very important feature that makes MeetnGreeters so special: local expertise. Local expertise is something beyond Google search and Tripadvisor reviews, and is exactly what can make your trip authentic, personalized and unforgettable.

Moreover, having a local assistant in the city you’re going to adds a human element: MeetnGreeter contributes to your happiness and satisfaction and wants to make sure your trip will be tailored to your needs and packed full of positive lifelong memories and authentic experience.

Excited to try yourself? MeetnGreetMe travel assistants are available in more than 300 cities of the world!

Book a personal travel concierge in London

One response to “Why You Desperately Need a Travel Assistant: 7 Examples”

  1. Bob says:

    The presented overview shows us how much you are concerned with this issue!

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