
Barcelona, Destinations, How-to, Spain

January 30, 2024

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Barcelona is one of the most popular travel destinations not only in Europe but in the whole world. More than 30 mln people visit Barcelona making it a crowded city which sometimes can be dangerous for tourists. The biggest concern is street crime which includes robbery, pickpocketing and mugging. To avoid it, try to look more like a local rather than a tourist.

The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about a tourist is an image of a person in a hat or with sunglasses (so that the burning Spanish sun doesn’t impede enjoying the local attractions) with a backpack stuffed with many useful (and useless) things and with a paper map in the hands. This image screams “Tourist!” And as we all know, tourists are the most vulnerable target for any pickpocket. Here’s how to avoid looking like a tourist.

1) Use Google maps, or any other mobile application with maps instead of a huge paper map. Mark important places like your hotel and attractions you want to see in advance.

2) Use Uber instead of taking a taxi, especially instead of those taxi standing next to the airport or a railway station. As a rule, taxi drivers are waiting for foreigners who feel lost and don’t know how to get to the city center, that’s why their prices are 2x-10x higher than for a local passenger or in Uber. You may learn the pricing only when you arrive at your destination and it’s time to pay.

3) Don’t go out with a backpack. When it’s on your back, you can’t see people behind you and you’re easier to rob. Make sure your bag is zipped and important things are in pockets in front of your shorts and pants (deeper pockets are the best).

4) Don’t spend too much time in crowded touristy places. Instead of it, go to such neighbourhoods as Born, Raval, Eixample, Gracia to enjoy true Barcelona.

5) Be alert, but have fun! You are in Barcelona, so enjoy your time. As soon as you start speaking, people will know you are not a local. The city is home to many immigrants so just enjoy your trip and at the same time stay alert.

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