
Barcelona, Destinations, Spain

October 12, 2023

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MeetnGreetMe is delighted to be in Barcelona! Because we have an amazing MeetnGreeter Ilenia in this cosmopolitan and multicultural city which is famous for its vibe, stunning architecture and popularity among international tourists.

No one knows cities better than locals do!

Ilenia is sharing her feelings about what makes Barcelona special for her:

“You have enchanting landscapes, going from the beautiful hills surrounding the city to the long beaches, provided with top services (bicycles lanes, free Wi-Fi, gym equipment, electric vehicles rental).

Barcelona offers entertainment for every kind of pockets: from the really cheap tapas’ bars, street food markets, free entrance discos, to the really chic aperitifs on top of the roof, gourmet restaurants, luxury SPA, and exclusive clubs. You can enjoy fashion shopping, whichever budget you have: luxury brands, local designers, vintage shops or popular cheap brands.


Cataluña is the place where Salvador Dalí and Antonio Gaudí were born. You can see wherever the magnificence of Gaudí’s buildings and visit Dalí’s Museum-House in Figueres. You can have a walk through the gothic quarter or visit the ancient castle on the top of Montjuic hill. Barcelona has plenty of museums: Picasso, MACBA (for contemporary art), pre-Columbian arts, Cataluña’s history, and many more…”

When we travel to different cities, some of us prefer to relish the true taste of the place, escape from overcrowded tourist locations and streets, and mingle with the locals.

“Locals like Garcia’s barrio. It looks like a small village, with narrow streets, full of bars and cheap restaurants. There is a popular “fiesta” celebrated during one week in August, when every street is decorated according to a theme”.

Barcelona is very easy to fall in love with

And those in love also like travelling to Barcelona. The vibrant streets, spacious parks, lounge bars along the beaches and plazas create a perfect setting for those who would like to escape to a romantic place with their second halves.

Catalans cherish their age-old traditions and customs by celebrating national holidays, keeping to their habits and preserving their language. At the same time, Barcelona can offer everything a world traveler might need – a cosmopolitan society, delicious food and wonderful MeetnGreeters.


At last but not least, we asked Ilenia to share some Spanish wisdom with us:

No hay mal que para bién no venga

No hay mal que para bién no venga: it is a positive way of thinking, meaning when something bad happens, in the end it will bring something better in your life.

Thanks for great photos are to the amazing Ilenia Piana.

Stay positive with MeetnGreetMe Concierge Services and explore Barcelona with us! Ready to go? Book some great accommodation to make sure you explore Barcelona carefree and have fun there!

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