
Destinations, Italy, Venice

September 7, 2023

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Together with local MeetnGreeters from all over the world, we are starting a new series of articles where local people suggest how to spend one day in their city.

Have you ever been to Venice? If yes, I bet you have fallen in love with it! If no, I’m sure it is on your travel bucket list.

Whatever your answer is, no time is enough to fully understand its lifestyle and feel its vibes. To get the most of your trip you definitely need local expertise rather than googling usual Top 10 things to do and see (though these things are a must, I have to say). Nicolò, a local MeetnGreeter from Venice, shares with you hidden gems of the city on water, suggests a route to spend an ideal day in Venice and enjoy it from the dawn till the late night. Would you like Nicolò to help you with your trip? Feel free to contact him and request his concierge services.

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So here is his perfect pan for one day in Venice, Italy:

“If you are doing a big travel around Italy, or you have the fortune to be in Venice just for a day, this is what I recommend you do to have the perfect day in this wonderful city.

Gondola, traditional Venetian rowing boat

Wake up very early in the morning and go to the most famous Venetian plaza “San Marco”: admire the emptiness and the sun coming up. It would be better if the day before you check the dawn time to enjoy the early morning light.

Continue your walk till “Tonolo”, the best place to have breakfast in town. I must tell you that in the morning Italians eat something sweet, so if you are not used to, just be a bit open-minded for this very special day. Keep in mind that “Tonolo” will not open till 7.45 in the morning and on Monday it is closed!

After this magic breakfast you will be probably tired because of the early wake-up, so you can go to bed again, and let most of the tourists fight for a good breakfast.

A street in Venice

After a couple of hours but still in the morning go to “Rialto” - the most famous bridge in Venice. On one side I suggest going to “Fondaco dei Tedeschi”, an old building which is now restored by the architecture firm OMA. On the rooftop of Fondaco dei Tedeschi you will find the most beautiful view of Venice. Trust me, it is breathtaking.

On the other side of the bridge, there is the famous “Rialto’s Market” or “Fish Market”. There you can find the healthiest food in town and if you’re lucky to have a kitchen in your apartment then you know what to cook for dinner!

Gondola boats are everywhere!

If you want to lunch in a very local place, you should go to “Lele” which is probably the smallest place you will see in your life, but also the most crowded in Venice if the weather permits. Here, pick 3 or 4 random little sandwiches and one “Ombra” (a “Shadow” in Italian), that is the common name for a glass of wine. You will think about the bill as a joke.

As most know, Venice is a sort of a Big Museum. Every corner has a museum or a historical palace. You will be fascinated by all of them so what I suggest is to lose yourself along Venetian “Calle” which is the name of the streets and enter into some of them. Of course, if you want to see the most beautiful ones you have to come back in San Marco. Quite probably that it will be full of people at this time, but there is a good reason for that. Here you should enter in the well-known Basilica of San Marco and visit Palazzo Ducale.

A street in Venice

After all of this walking, I have a specific gem for this moment of the day. But I’m not gonna write anything else, you need to choose me as your MeetnGreeter to know it. Better if you just relax before dinner.

For dinner I recommend a wonderful local restaurant called “Antica Adelaide”: let the owner suggest you something good and you will not regret it. Right behind this restaurant, there is a Calle full of little “Bacari” which is the common name for “pubs”: again ask the owner to tell you where these pubs are located.

You will find “Paradiso Perduto”, “Da Aldo”, “Timon”. If these places don’t fit you, probably you didn’t like the entire city because they embrace the real Venetian soul, give a lifelong memory and a good night with a smile on your face.”

Venice is renowned as the city on water

We thank Nicolò for sharing not only his ideas about a perfect one day in Venice, but these amaizng photos, as well! Do you like his suggestions? Have you ever been to these places? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

And if you are going to Venice and need help with making any pre-arrangements, bookings, showing around or just advice, feel free to contact Nicolò and request his concierge services.

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