
Concierge Guide

February 4, 2024


The first step to a successful career of a MeetnGreeter is creating a selling profile. As they say, you never have a second chance to make a good first impression. Therefore, it’s high time to get your hands on your profile and turn it into an appealing and interesting page.

MeetnGreetMe is a social network on the one side and a service which solves real problems in real life on the other. It means that while creating your profile you should always keep in mind your potential Guests’ needs and fears.

We can’t say for sure about you, but, as a rule, when we’re going to another country we feel much more comfortable when we know someone there. According to our research more than 67% of travelers feel the same way. Guess why. Safety and socializing are our basic needs as humans. The more we know about the person who might be our only friend in a totally different country, the safer and more comfortable we feel about our trip in general.

So, think about your ideal Guest and let’s start! Here are the steps you should take:

Choose a good profile picture

Select the best one you’ve got! Even though you may feel reluctant to upload your own photo, you should trust us here - you own photo is much better than anything else! Guests are always looking for personalized service, a MeetnGreeter they can trust and have fun together. So put on your best clothes, show the most charming smile you’ve got and..upload your great profile picture.

Complete your profile

Do allocate some time to finish up your profile, especially the “About” field. This is the time for you to shine, show off your best qualities, interests and dreams. This will help Guests learn more about you. And, who knows, maybe this will help you connect with people who share the same interests and have the same hobbies as you.

Upload cool photos and videos

Making your profile stand out from the rest is not an easy task, however, adding some spice to it can be of help. Upload some great photos and videos to you profile to tell the world more about you and your city. This is a must for those MeetnGreeters who’d like to deliver such services as assisting at events, taking photographs, and so on.

“Yes, I’d like to MeetnGreet people!”

To let us know you want to be a MeetnGreeter and deliver concierge services, you need to complete the forms in “MeetnGreeter’s Statement”. There are some great fields there which give you a chance to let Guests know more about you. This helps you to improve trustworthiness and appeal of your profile.

Add services and set the prices

Great! Choose the services you are confident you can provide. The more you choose, the better your chances of being selected are. As a rule, Guests need a wide variety of services from MeetnGreeters. Be the only one to satisfy your Guests’ needs! And don’t forget to set the prices for one hour of your work.

Verify your profile

This is the final touch! We treat safety seriously, that is why we ask all our MeetnGreeters go through a verification process. Make sure you verify your email, phone number and social network accounts. Then our fantastic Customer Happiness Manager will contact you and arrange a brief view interview.

And now you are all set to start your career as a MeetnGreeter!

Have an amazing day!

Good luck!

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2 responses to “How to Create a Selling Profile at MeetnGreetMe”

  1. Jane Jane says:

    Thank you very much for the information! This is a truly important and interesting article for every MeetnGreeter.

    1. Juliya Titova Juliya Titova says:

      Thanks for your kind words! Check out other articles connected with the industry of travel concierge services ;)

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