5 Hottest Travel Trends of 2019


Belarus, Blog, Concierge Guide, Destinations, How-to, Minsk, Travel Tips, Uncategorized

January 25, 2024

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Every year, thanks to numerous studies of people’s preferences, choices and current changes in people’s lifestyles, we can learn about the hottest trends in different industries. Want to learn how we’re going to travel in 2019? Here you are! We’ve done some research and here are the conclusions that we came to. Hope it will…

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New Year Traditions All Over the World


Blog, Fun, Travel Tips

December 27, 2023

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In many countries, there is a shared belief that specific actions taken on New Year’s Day or at the stroke of midnight can influence the fate of the months ahead. And, as it is the most wonderful time of the year, we have prepared for you a list of some unusual New Year traditions that…

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5 Ways How a Personal Assistant Can Make Your Business Trip Efficient (And Fun)


Blog, Concierge Guide, How-to, Travel Tips

December 10, 2023


One of my acquaintances, CEO at a top-tier tech consultancy, once said: “First thing you need to invest in is a personal assistant”. And I couldn’t agree more! Especially when you regularly travel for business matters. While traveling for business purposes it’s extremely important to get everything done right on time. It’s pretty difficult to…

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5 Online Services that Make Life of a Digital Nomad Easier


Blog, Travel Tips

October 22, 2023

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Digital nomadism has been one of the fastest growing lifestyle trends for the last couple of years. According to the creator of Nomad List and Remote OK Pieter Levels, there will be 1 Billion digital nomads by 2035. It does not surprise: being a digital nomad has dozens of advantages. Flexible office space, stress-free working…

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