5 Tips To Travel Safely During Pandemic


How-to, Travel Tips

August 19, 2023

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The coronavirus pandemic is one hit that has disrupted people’s lifestyles and devastated economies. Travel is one of the most affected industries since the onset of the virus. Apart from the losses incurred in the flight companies and tourism sectors in various countries, businesses have also halted because people cannot travel and meet. Holidays have…

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Things to Know About Business Trip Etiquette


Blog, How-to

February 27, 2024

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While you may see eye-to-eye with B2B stakeholders across the globe when it comes to common business goals and project workflow, meeting them face-to-face can be tricky for several reasons. Cultural, lifestyle and social status differences are only the surface of what business trip etiquette aims to amend in order to ensure that all parties…

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15 Long-Distance Gift Ideas


Blog, How-to, Travel Tips, Uncategorized

December 26, 2023


The act of giving gifts is a common practice that serves as a means through which you can express your feelings, show gratitude, make up for lost time, appreciate an important individual and pass a genuine message across. Gift-giving, when done properly, can help strengthen partnerships, improve relationships and foster bonding. You can never go…

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