Warsaw - Phoenix City


Destinations, Poland, Warsaw

October 6, 2023

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Our next stop in MeetnGreetMe Сo-creation series is Warsaw and Olga. We love promoting our MeetnGreeters and their cities. The insight and advice from locals is the most precious and true-to-life information a traveler might possibly need.

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Best of Bogota


Bogota, Colombia, Destinations

September 25, 2023

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Are you looking forward to adding some spice into your travelling plans? A beautiful blend of the Caribbean, Amazon and Andean cultures. A place with luxurious resorts and a multitude of stunning natural attractions. Today MeetnGreetMe is in Bogota, Colombia.

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The Benevolent Oman


Destinations, Muscat, Oman

September 15, 2023


Recently MeetnGreetMe was invited to pitch in front of the delegation from Oman. None of us has ever been to this faraway country and no one from this state has registered as a MeetnGreeter yet.

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