
Blog, Travel Tips

September 18, 2023

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Vacationing with kids is no joke. Whether you’re traveling by plane, train, or automobile, it takes a lot of planning, preparation, and patience to make sure the trip is enjoyable for you and your children.

A single dad raising two children and the author of the blog DadSolo Daniel Sherwin has shared with the MeetnGreetMe Blog a few tips to make a life of a parent easier.

So let’s dive in!

Traveling with your children can be a wonderful experience filled with countless memories and family bonding. Traveling with kids comes with a few challenges - motion sickness, tedious driving and boredom can prove particularly taxing. If you want to make your next trip one to remember, consider utilizing some of the tips below.

Before You Leave

In the flurry of activity to get the kids ready, car packed, it can be easy to forget to properly secure your home. Taking steps to protect your home in your absence will help create peace of mind and allow you to be truly present with your family. A home security camera is one great way to secure your home. While there are hundreds of security cameras on the market, not all are created equal. Ensure the camera you choose is weather-resistant, can detect motion and equipped with night vision. Some cameras can connect to an app on your phone so you can check-in at any time.

Next, lock all doors and windows. Consider having a neighbor or friend keep an eye on your home and inform you if something looks out of place.


Have a Menu

If you and your family are not well-fed, a road trip can quickly turn into a disaster. While it might be tempting to just make stops along the way at shops, gas stations and restaurants, this can be fairly pricey. On top of that, convenience foods are often unhealthy leaving your kids feeling lethargic and moody. If you want to keep your family healthy, be sure to have a good store of food on hand. Think about how many days you will be gone, what your storage capacity is, and whether you can make grocery store stops along the way. Some tried-and-true road trip meals include sandwiches, wraps and pasta salad.

If you are camping or have access to a stove, pasta, eggs, grilled cheese and stir-fry are a few quick and easy options. For snacks, pack the cooler with juice boxes, water, veggies, fruit and crackers. Consider using a cooler for the perishable means and a separate tote for the non-perishables. Having a healthy and diverse road trip menu will help keep your family satiated and healthy.


Plan for Motion Sickness

For many families, motion sickness is an inevitable part of a family vacation. If you want to avoid motion sickness as much as possible, be sure to make frequent stops, open the windows, and limit in-car screen time. Depending on the age of your child, having him/her sit in a front seat can help reduce the frequency and severity of motion sickness. If your child becomes ill, be sure to stop travel as soon as possible and spend some time outside. Encourage your child to take a nap as well as eat a small snack. Soda water, ginger ale and saltine crackers are great for settling the stomach. Generally, motion sickness will be short-lived, and you will be back on the road before you know it.


Plan Fun Stops

If you are embarking on a long journey, be sure to make frequent activity stops. While the trip may seem short to you, remember children often experience time lapses differently. Likely, the trip will seem a lot longer to them than it will for you. A great way to combat boredom is to plan fun stops along the way. Take into consideration your children’s ages and interests. If you have children that vary in age and activity preference, look for activities that have something for the whole family. Hikes, amusement parks, bowling, beaches and waterslides are just some of the activities that will be fun for the whole family.


Your family vacation should be packed with fun, not stress. If you want to ensure a fun trip for the whole family, incorporate some of the tips above into your vacation. Plan, prepare, and above all, have fun!

In case you need someone to have your back and help you with kids during your trip, feel free to contact our MeetnGreeters!


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