
Blog, Destinations, How-to, Travel Tips, Your Stories

March 24, 2024

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Coming out of a pandemic is difficult for almost all day-to-day sectors and activities. However, one of the sectors that has changed the most is international travel. Even though domestic travel has changed, the crossing of borders has become the activity which requires the most preparation post-pandemic. The first thing I would suggest is to research the rules, restrictions, border requirements, and necessary checklist items for the country you are visiting or travelling to. Before you even pack a toothbrush, you need to make sure that you possess the required documentation and understand the necessary processes for that specific country’s entry.

An increasing amount of countries are beginning to slowly open up their borders to allow for travel, movement of people, and restricted tourism. And even when things go back to ‘normal’, we as a people will be more cognisant of potential infections and cautious around hygiene and healthcare than we were before. So, let’s have a look into seven key items which will (most likely) be required or advised for an exceptionally long time to come when travelling internationally.

1. Face Masks / Coverings

These fun little things are most likely here to stay in crowded and infection-prone places such as airports, and probably even on public transport for at least the next few years. Ensure that your masks are covering both your mouth and nose.

2. Hand Sanitiser

Portable hand sanitiser was always a good idea to have when travelling (or at least my mother thought so), and it has become even more crucial now. Ensure that your portable hand sanitiser is under the limit for carry-on bags for the country you are leaving and entering. As Jeremy Riddle, a lifestyle writer at Origin Writings and Brit Student, noted, “Ensure that you apply this whenever you touch a surface that could potentially be dangerous, and before you touch your face or eat at all.”

3. Disinfecting Wipes

These are a great idea for wiping down your suitcases when you get them back from the airline, or carry-on bags once they have touched a potentially contaminated surface. These are powerful and preventative tools.

4. Isopropyl Wipes

These are clever, as you touch your phone a lot, and many people pick up infections and diseases just from its surface. Some say that your phone screen can be dirtier than a public toilet site. These specific wipes can be safely used on smartphones and are a smart idea when travelling.

5. Laundry Detergent (Travel Size)

If you have cloth masks, soak your masks in these and hot water to clean and sanitise after use. These are always a good thing to have in your back pocket anyway.

6. Portable Thermometer

Coronavirus exhibits symptoms which sometimes mimic flu or cough/cold symptoms. Travel thermometer will keep you informed if your body is having adverse reactions to something.

7. Digital Oximeter

Digital pulse oximeters are now available both online and in most pharmacies for around £18. If you fall into the ‘high-risk’ category for CV-19, I suggest taking one of these on your travels.

Tips & Tricks for Covid-Safe Travel:

Photo by Samson Katt from Pexels

Although most of this is common sense, a healthy reminder never hurt anybody. Opening doors with your elbow, or with your hands covered with a piece of clothing is always a good habit to get in to. Gemma Espinosa, a travel blogger at Write my X and 1 Day 2 write, commented, “Social distancing should be kept in mind when travelling as much as possible, and large crowd avoidance is prudent.” Contactless payment is a recent development that has helped us become more sanitary too. Here are a few other easy tips and tricks for travelling:

  • Sanitise regularly, especially after touching any communal surface.
  • Wipe down your credit card and phone if they have contact with anything but your person.
  • Plan as little stop-over time and overall stops as possible as this reduces overall chance of contamination.
  • Sign up to a travel health insurance plan and know how to access healthcare wherever you are in the world.

The COVID-19 pandemic has revolutionised the way we live our lives, and especially the way we travel. It has changed the landscape of border-crossing procedures and how we operate as travellers. As we learn to live with the day-to-day precautions that have become our normality, the sooner we may return to actual normality.

About the Author:

Regina Wheeler is an online learning consultant for Write my dissertation and PhD Kingdom. She enjoys writing articles on business, management, and marketing topics. She also writes for Cheap coursework.

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