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November 17, 2023

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We are keeping on co-creating with our MeetnGreeters and telling about their cities. Thus we learn about other cultures and traditions, open the world through local people’s eyes, get useful advice on what to see and how to behave to live like a local. After Kathmandu, Paris, Amsterdam and other cities, today we are moving to Chiang Mai – the largest city in the Northern Province in Thailand. And our companion will be Todd, a local MeetnGreeter and a professional English teacher.

Todd local MeetnGreeter in Chiang Mai Thailand

Chiang Mai history

Chiang Mai is the largest city and the cultural center of Northern Thailand. It is the capital city of Chiang Mai Province situated in the north of the country quite close to Myanmar and Laos and having no outlet to the sea. Amazing nature, breathtaking landscapes, ancient cultural and religious heritage are absolutely the reason to visit the country.

Chiang Mai means “new city” named so because it became the new capital of the Lan Na kingdom in 1296.

chiang mai temple thailand meetngreetme

Local must-see places

The city has a unique atmosphere. Beautiful and ancient temples neighbor hustle and bustle of local street markets, crowds of tourists and modern architecture.
“There are many picturesque places. Generally, the most romantic and picturesque places are the hotels along Huay Kaew road and at select areas in the Old City which have terraces at the very top of their buildings where you can see the entire view of the city. It’s especially romantic at night when all of the buildings are lit up and you can see the crowd bustling below.”

Chiang Mai thailand meetngreetme walking street

Local’s advice

“The best getaway places are just beyond the city itself, in the countryside. However, to get a real flare for the city, I would recommend visiting the Night Bazaar or Sunday Market. Or visiting any of the Wats (Thai for “temple”) in the Old City.

Best places to try traditional local food is at the Night Bazaar, or the market across from Chiang Mai University. I would also recommend any of the littler markets that spring up around the city which serve grilled meat and other barbecued treats.”

chiang may thailand shopping thai food meetngreetme

Wat Chiang Man

“My personal number one place is Wat Chiang Man because there’s always a bustling crowd and things to do in the area. Central Kad Suan Kaew is another great place which has a cinema, theater, and shops of all kinds for you to explore.”

Wat Chiang Man is a beautiful Buddhist temple situated in the old city of Chiang Mai. It was built in 1297 and was the first temple in the city. There you should definitely see Chedi Chang Lom, or the ‘Elephant Chedi’, Main Wihan and New Wihan (a wihan is a Buddhist monastery).

Chiang Mai thailand meetngreetme Wat Chiang Man

We thank Todd for great information and useful advice to all the international travelers. So if you plan a trip to Thailand, keep calm and request MeetnGreetMe concierge services from our local concierge in Chiang Mai to elevate your travel experience.

If you want to co-create with MeetnGreetMe and tell about your personal no. 1 places in your city, just contact us at!

And, of course, to make sure you have enough time to travel and enjoy Thailand during your visit, book some great and convenient accommodation for you. Need help with choosing one? Ask our locals!

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