My Solo Trip to Goa, India


Destinations, Goa, India, Your Stories

March 8, 2024


No doubt it’s great to have a job that you love, however, a good vacation is even greater. And if a vacation is in winter, this is a sign that it’s high time to go to the ocean. I was choosing between Thailand, Vietnam, and India. From the very beginning, I tended to India but my…

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How We MeetnGreeted Top Omani Delegation


Your Stories

October 10, 2023


Here at MeetnGreetMe we frequently share with you stories about how our MeetnGreeters helped world travelers during their business and leisure visits and offered personal concierge services to them. We’ve received a lot of positive feedback from individual travelers and we are glad that we managed to make their journeys truly memorable and enjoyable. At the…

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Anya’s Trip to Kyiv with MeetnGreetMe


Destinations, Kyiv, Ukraine, Your Stories

September 30, 2023

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MeetnGreetMe is starting publishing articles on a new topic – what it was like to travel with MeetnGreetMe and to MeetnGreet in a home city. We will share Guests’ and MeetnGreeters’ opinions and provide this information just as they saw it. Their fears, needs, desires, impressions – you will receive only unbiased and sincere facts….

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