
Destinations, Travel Tips

August 30, 2023

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From time to time we all need to change the rhythm of a bustling city and spend some time alone in a relaxed atmosphere listening to our soul and body. Going to the countryside is a perfect choice, however, if you need to get away from it all in a more drastic way - take bare essentials, your passport and fly to another country or even continent.

Solo travelers leave their houses to travel alone in search of new experiences and adventures, learning themselves, leaving the comfort zone and making new friends. They are open to exploring everything from old architecture and local cuisine to spending their day in the wild listening to winds and birds. Here are 10 amazing travel destinations where you won’t get bored even when alone.

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1. Norway

In pursuit of inward peace and merging with nature, a solo traveler goes to majestic Norway. Take a tent and experience bleak Northern nature as Vikings did only a few hundred years ago and enjoy the famous Norwegian fjords that exist for a dozen thousand (!) years. Sognefjord is the second largest fjord in the world and is 204 km long – go for a picnic on this big “old-timer”. Isn’t it an ideal place to reflect for a while and recharge your batteries?

2. Japan

Japan is an awesome travel destination for a solo trip because of hospitable people living there who will welcome you as if you are their dear friend or a relative. You have a wide variety of trip ideas from quietly admiring breathtaking sceneries to exploring concrete jungles of Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka. Try authentic sushi, visit ancient temples, enjoy a communal hot spring bath, meditate in a Zen garden or just spend your vacations doing outdoor activities: hiking, skiing and birdwatching.

3. Cuba

For more adventurous vacations, head solo for Cuba. Now it is a safe travel destination where you will be amazed not only by its capital Havana with salsa music on the streets but also by beach resort towns with crystal water and lush palms. Crumbling colonial architecture, Cuban cigars and 1950s Chevys conjure up images of that old Cuba and give it a unique authenticity and unforgettable flavor. Bright colours around you and amazing people will stay in your memory for many years.

4. New Zealand

New Zealand is heaven for solo travelers. First of all, it is a safe place where you will feel comfortable and never worried about your safety. Secondly, New Zealand boasts enchanting wild nature and enjoyable climate. Travel solo to one of its islands to do any (or all) of these activities: zorbing, horse riding, skiing, hiking, kayaking, bungee jumping, skydiving, jet boating, whitewater rafting… Or just discover the settings of the Lord of the Rings films with the friendliest local people on Earth!

5. Kenya

Would you like to add some juiciness to your travel experience? If your answer is Yes, then it is high time you traveled to Kenya! Elephants, black rhinos, buffaloes, lions and leopards are a kind of a natural landmark in Kenya, the so-called “Big Five”. As you understand, it is an ideal place for safaris both in a group or having a private guide to go to the wilderness. Don’t miss the chance to visit Nairobi with its vibrant nightlife and Mombasa to enjoy beaches and seaside resorts.

6. Switzerland

Switzerland is one of the safest countries and it is a great place to travel alone. Make sure you include in your trip itinerary old Zurich and then spend a couple of days on the shores of alpine Lake Oeschinensee nestled within the Oeschinen valley for a calm and isolated break. Include a trip to Lake Geneva and the city Geneva itself to practice water sports and see the iconic Jet d’Eau, a huge fountain in Geneva. Other amazing but hardly known places to see are Creux de Van, the giant natural amphitheater of 160m vertical cliffs, Saut de Brot, an almost magical stone bridge between two cliff sides, St. Beatus Caves, a beautiful cave where a dragon lived, and many other impressive sites.

7. Indonesia

If I needed to describe Indonesia in one word, I would choose the “paradise”. At the dawn practice yoga on the beach, after that hike and trek Mount Sinabung or Mount Rinjani, recharge with nutritious Indonesian cuisine dishes and end your day in the Arborek Tourism village or snorkeling on the Pahawang Island full of underwater treasures. Surfing, visiting temples, enjoying a massage, meeting other backpackers, hedonists or spiritual seekers – your solo trip to Indonesia will definitely include these activities.

8. Vietnam

From the lush rice valleys in Vietnam’s north to the remarkable Phong Nha-Ke Bang national park with the oldest karst mountains in Asia, Vietnam has something special for every solo traveler. Nature in Vietnam is something splendid and extraordinary. Sail on a small boat along the emerald waters of Halong Bay between limestone pillars; explore the atmospheric port town Hoi An to see its preserved traditional architecture and way of life; taste Vietnamese cuisine and all kinds of tropical fruits which you can buy at a local market.

9. Austria

Another safe travel destination and a very nice idea to spend your solo holidays in Europe. Start your trip with a few days in Vienna, the city with world-class cultural delights where you can choose between attending famous opera performances, glorious balls and festivals or exploring its history and culture in numerous museums. After that experience the Alpine way of life amidst peace and mountain-fresh air and head for Austrian lakes located between mountains and green valleys.

10. Iceland

If you prefer to spend your solo trip literally alone go to Iceland. Out of town, you can walk for half an hour without seeing any human in the sprawling scenery. Iceland is the safest travel destination with gender equality existing for real. To enjoy blue glaciers you need to go to Jökulsárlón, a glacial lagoon in southeastern Iceland where blue waters are dotted with icebergs. Iceland is an expensive country and to lower the costs you can freely hitchhike (remember that it is the safest country in the world?), bring a water bottle with you and fill it with clean drinkable water and cook your own food.

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Remember that no matter where you go, the most important thing is to travel to widen your horizons and open the world. Should you have any questions or need any assistance with your trip, feel free to contact local people to get their help, advice and local expertise.

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