
Blog, Destinations, How-to, Travel Tips, Your Stories

March 16, 2024

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Traveling the world alone is something not all people can do easily. This is because we are social beings, used to living in groups and respecting its norms. We live in societies where we can say that the wrong things are valued and the right ones are underestimated. It is something common for youngsters and not only to say no to this kind of world and take matters into their own hands. This is exactly what I did when I started traveling alone.

Even though at first it seems like a crazy thing to do, it comes with many positive emotions, experiences, knowledge, self-awareness, and many more. While you travel the world alone, you discover a lot of new things, emotions, feelings, and sensations. Here are 10 discoveries of a man traveling the world alone.

1. New Places

Black Lake, Durmitor National Park, Montenegro

Traveling is about going from one place to another, using all means of transportation. No matter if you are traveling by plane, by car, by boat, or by bike, your journey will surely be unforgettable. Discovering new places is something you can do with someone by your side too. But when you travel alone, you are not distracted by anyone. You can focus on what you see and discover, about the characteristics of the place, the architecture, and many other details.

2. New Cuisine

Every place has different geography, soil types, climate, and many more. All these factors influence the agriculture of the country, so every new place comes with new cuisine. When traveling alone, you have time to soak in all the beauty that the place is offering you. Moreover, discovering new tastes, ingredients, or meals is something you cannot miss while solo traveling.

3. New People

Traveling the world alone might make you more introverted, as the only human you spend your time with is yourself. But while this is true in most moments, traveling the world alone also puts the right people in your way. You can discover new people with different values and mindsets, people you can learn a lot from. You can discover your future best friend, love partner, or just a mentor. Either way, you will stumble upon people every place you will travel to, and each of them has something to teach you.

4. Your Inner World

Salzach, Hallein, Austria

When you travel the world alone, you spend the most time with yourself. Traveling alone is an incredible and enlightening experience because it helps you get to know yourself better. It helps you get to know your inner world, your values, the thoughts that are obsessing you, your problems, dreams, and goals. Traveling alone means spending time with yourself, and this might be one of the most important discoveries of a solo traveler.

5. Learning to Be Lonely

One of the things you learn while traveling alone is to be lonely. Many people fear standing in silence or loneliness, but this is exactly what solo traveling is about. Of course, you will meet new people and discover new places, but most of the time you will be alone. Getting comfortable with spending time with yourself is essential and this is one of the things I have learned during my trip.

6. Getting Out of the Comfort Zone is Not as Bad as It Sounds

Few people are used to solo traveling because most trips are couple or group trips. When you travel alone, everything changes. You will surely step out of your comfort zone, something that sounds scary but it ends as a fulfilling step. The entire solo trip is a step outside the comfort zone, so once you start, you will develop tremendously.

7. Discover Your Dreams

Vienna, Austria

Many people think they do what they want to do for the rest of their lives. But once they start doing that thing, they become more aware of the fact that it is not the right job for them. A solo trip is usually a trip that comes with more insights about what you want and like, and you discover your dreams. You have the time necessary to reflect, to get to know people or places that might help you in fulfilling your dreams, and to understand which your dreams are.

8. Independence

One of the lessons traveling the world alone comes with is learning how to be independent. You do not depend on anyone to plan your trip, book your tickets, or do any other activity. You are independent and the only organizer and participant of your solo trip.

9. Happiness

Hyde Park, London, UK

Many people start solo traveling just because they want to find out more about what makes them happy. And indeed, a trip of this kind allows you to grasp your inner world and identify the things that bring you happiness. Traveling is surely one of them, but apart from this, which are those things that make you smile and trigger your happiness and pleasure centers instantly? For me, it’s nature and animals.

10. People are Mostly Good

Even though there are people who might try to rob you, the majority of people just want to help. Of course, this depends on every individual, but if you take some precautionary steps, you can keep your documents and money protected.

MeetnGreetMe thanks Justin Osborne for his contribution. Justin Osborne is a travel writer for college paper writing services, blogger from Leicester, UK. He likes to discuss travels and share his own ideas with readers on different blogs and forums. Currently, he is working as an essay writer.

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