Explore Milan with Lazara Claudia



July 4, 2023

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Our fantastic MeetnGreeter Lazara Claudia prepared a great Milan guide for you! “I like to know the city where I live and I like going to places that are not the typical tourist routes that are made by guides”. Explore the real Milan with MeetnGreetMe and Lazara Claudia! Check it out here.  

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What to Do, See and Enjoy in Milan


Destinations, Italy, Milan

July 4, 2023


What can be a better summer getaway rather than Milan? The vibrant metropolis has everything you can possibly need during a vacation in Italy: top places for chic shopping, gothic cathedrals, sparkling nightlife, classic and contemporary art collections including the great masterpieces by Leonardo da Vinci, and endless opportunities to try a delicious Italian pizza. However,…

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