
Blog, Concierge Guide, Doing business in..., How-to, Travel Tips

February 21, 2024

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Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Networking and social relationships don’t have to be over just because we are all social-distancing, there are still tools and methods that can help you strengthen and build new relationships during this time.

Attend and participate in virtual networking events and use this to create new opportunities for yourself. Additionally, you can always go back to the old ways and send handwriting letters to show that you care about your connections. Keep in touch, schedule a virtual coffee, or send emails to let them know you didn’t forget about them.

Networking creates long and lasting relationships with others. It is rewarding and the connections you can make can be very useful in the future. Due to the current situation, networking had to start being online and there are some benefits, for example, no distance barrier so nothing can stop you.

You can still be social by using tools like Google Hangouts, Zoom, Skype, and many others. Working on your online profile is also very important since is the only way that possible future connections will see you. So, be comfortable with the technology and confident with yourself.

Networking is already the norm in the business world. In fact, networking can happen in any of the following places and events:

  • Business Travel
  • A conference
  • A large networking event
  • Online

Therefore, you should be ready to talk about the work that you do, along with the opportunities that you’re looking for. When you talk and network with people, you’ll soon see many opportunities that might not have existed if you haven’t spoken up: a job, collaborative work, etc.

Here are 7 tips on how to effectively network while you’re traveling:

1. Be Observant

“It’s important to be aware of what’s going on around you,” says Charles John, a project manager at Elite Assignments Help and UK Top Writers. “Chances are, you’ll run into someone who shares the same interest as you, or they might be wearing the logo of your favorite brand. If you notice any of these things, say something. That’s your chance to connect with them, and get to know them. And, this allows you to get your name out there.

2. Be Professional At All Times

You must dress professionally and be polite at all times, even if you’re just catching an early or late flight for a business trip. So, casual wear like leggings, sweats, and t-shirts won’t work. At least look polished, so that no one will think twice before approaching you. Again, you might run into someone who might be interested in what you have to offer.

3. Tell Stories, But Don’t Overdo It

It’s okay to tell stories, but don’t push too hard. If your storytelling turns to bragging, people will notice. Plus, ask the other person questions, and let them answer. Think of this as a blind date – you want to be genuine and understanding to the other person. And, as you build that personal connection, you might be rewarded with special opportunities that can take you and your business role to new heights.

4. Be Confident, Not Awkward

Confidence is key. No exceptions.

If you come off as awkward – too forceful, pushy, or overly rehearsed – then people will notice. Even aimless conversations can be a turn-off to whoever you’re trying to network with.

Therefore, your conversations with the interested must have a purpose from beginning to end. Don’t focus on selling yourself, but look for commonalities between you and the other person.

5. Don’t Forget: Business!

While you shouldn’t be 100% about business, you also shouldn’t be 100% social. In fact, you have to have a balance between the two. In other words, half-social and half-business oriented. If one of them overpowers the other, you’ll risk sending interested parties the wrong signals. The main goal here is to be both intentional and authentic when networking with people.

6. Have Business Cards

“No matter what, you should be able to exchange contact information with interested parties,” says Victoria Cartwright, a business writer at Best British Essays and Revieweal. “By giving them your business card, you’re extending the invitation for them to get to know you more.”

There are two types of business cards that you can use while networking:

  • Printed business cards are still relevant in the networking world, since they can be carried in your pocket, briefcase, or purse.
  • Digital business cards, however, have recently gained momentum, since the growth of technology. Now, some people are sending their digital business cards via text, so that the recipient not only has those cards, but also the sender’s phone number, thus making this method a simple but effective way to stay connected with people you meet.

7. Send Invites To Interested Parties

Once you have interested parties well-informed, and even have your business cards (print or digital), you’ll need to hold an event. That means sending invites to people three weeks prior to your event. Your event can be:

  • A conference
  • Dinner party
  • A speech event
  • A seminar

Plus, keep in mind that not all of your invitees will attend your event; so, don’t be discouraged. The point of inviting people to your event is to show them more of your work and achievements.


Networking can either run smoothly or go horribly, depending on what you do. However, the ultimate goal is to network with the right people, and to continue engaging with them. So, be sure to keep these tips in mind, the next time you’re traveling and find great people to network with during your travels. So, happy traveling and happy networking!


Kristin Herman is a writer and editor at Essay help and Big Assignments. She is also a contributing writer for online publications, such as Academized review. As a travel writer, she blogs about her travel experiences, and offers great travel advice to her readers.

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